I feel like Eve here…though I’m more like Lilith

I feel like Eve here…though I’m more like Lilith, originally uploaded by Sequoia Redd.

I’m working on video blogging, what do you think? Do you prefer the written word or a video?

I was thinking of a video once a week but mostly written word.

I have also been crazy shooting for my site. I’m trying to squeeze in as much furry material as I can while I can, then return to dancing.

I appreciate all of the awesome encouragement I’ve received here.

But if you really like furry girls, then the biggest favor you could do me would be to go down to your local strip club and ask to see more furry chicks. Its like anything else, be a smart consumer, whether its for food, beauty products or sexual entertainment, make sure you’re getting what you want. If you want furry chicks, say so, as a paying customer DEMAND IT.

11 Responses to “I feel like Eve here…though I’m more like Lilith”

  1. I like the written word. I like going to your blog every day to admire what you have to say. Actually I don’t know where your videos are. I’m probably lame, huh? I enjoy this site though. You’re great.

  2. Hey sweet girl, your photo is excellent! Eve, Lilith, Lady Godiva, it’s ALL good! You really are a beautiful person; not only the body hair, but the sweep of your head hair (love the color, too) and the fact you bbq most of your meals outside - ‘yay for primitive living’, I think you said.

    I prefer the written word over the video. Once the vid is done, it would be a week until any questions that arose could be answered with a new one. Blog can answer the next day, so for me, write is better than see.

    Once all this furry material is shot, where on the site will it be posted? Like in chronological order, or in the various departments? Wherever, a pointer to the latest pics would be appreciated… :)

    Be well, beautiful wealthy thoughts headed your way. Swin…

  3. WE WANT FURRY CHICS! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM, NOW!! :) I’ve never been to a dance club but when you and a few other like minds hire a club for your one night furry special I’ll be there.

    i think a few youtube video blogs would be great but not made to a deadline of once a week, I think they come out best when you just do them when you feel like doing them.

  4. mmmm furry sequoia. i had a dream about you last night! Lilith came before eve.

  5. A video blog would be awesome.

    Shame Youtube has certain limits :-)

  6. HPLovecraft Says:

    If you are our Primordial Mother, then its going to be a beautiful world!!!

  7. Hi Sequoia, this is the first time I have posted here but thought I’d drop you a note and comment. You may know me from some place else.

    Now the comment. A video blog say once a week would be great. However please don’t stop writing. You write so well it’s a joy to read.

    Furry chicks are great for some folks but If I want to look at furry mammals I’ll go to the zoo.

    A little fur is great but too much is distracting to me. Besides you look great in just your undies! (o: Actually, I have seen many of your videos and photo shoots and you look great in anything.


  8. Where are you???
    I miss you

  9. I like written better…

    How do you do so many pictures at once? After I take twenty they all start to come out the same. :-(

  10. I think a vlog here and there would be charming. I’d watch you eating a sandwich fully clothed.

  11. Your profile in the photo is enchantingly beautiful xx

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