Winter Solstice and the Tequesta Drum Circle


The Winter Solstice is approaching…I’ve updated my MySpace status…I am now preparing for bitchy emails from poser pagans again…Ladies and Gentleman, may the shit hit the fan!

If you happen to be in the Ft. Lauderdale area on Sunday, you should go to the Tequesta Drum Circle at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park.

ps. Thanks L.C. for the camera I requested, it totally rocks!

4 Responses to “Winter Solstice and the Tequesta Drum Circle”

  1. Toddandincharge Says:

    Sounds like fun, don’t let those jerks get you down.

  2. Britni Says:

    Maybe I will go! I have never been to see a solstice!

  3. Jake Says:

    I’m celebrating the solstice this year, tho I’ve got the flu so most of the celebrating will be done in my head and I’ll send a few ecards. winter solstice is very much the real end of the year and beginning of a new one, tho you can use the summer solstice if you want to. Dec 31st by comparison is pretty arbitry and kind of symbolises how much as a society we’re up our own asses and disconnected from everything around us.

  4. Tara Says:

    Happy day after Solstice!!

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