Archive for the Wild Ladies Category

Wise and Wild Ladies I know

Posted in Adventures, Wild Ladies, Wise Ladies on January 26, by sequoiaredd

I’ve been forming this post for a while now in my head.

I read a lot of blogs written by intelligent, creative, beautiful women.

These blogs are pretty much the only place I have to go right now for women to relate to in any aspect, being age, beliefs, work, adventures, and sometimes just women that are close to the Earth.

I am so grateful for all of them and for their honesty in writing, photographing, drawing and documenting their adventures because without them I’d feel so alone.

Anyways, I’d like to share them with you in random order…



Chica and Her Van - Chica


Chica is warmth and summer and everything lovely in between. She takes photographs, you see, some self portraits, some scenery, and some of destruction. Most of her photos are taken whilst on adventures in her van, which is actually a magickal spaceship of love.

I love all of her photos, they take me to a place of warmth, chocolate, honey and late night massages with lots of candles (and a few cameras…). I had a hard time picking a photo of hers to put on this blog, because there are so many I like. But this one is one of my favorites and one of the cutest.

Go see her blog, it’ll make you feel good.

She also sells prints of her photos at redbubble and I can’t think of a better or prettier thing to put on your wall.


Davka Deer Girl Medicine - Davka

Davka is a wise lady. Davka writes and draws. She writes about class issues, stories about stripping, stories from her childhood in the country all of which I love to read. Her words are magick, real magick and I eat and gobble every one of them up when she posts a new entry.

The stories she tells are like modern day folklore, she craftily weaves her tales around dreams, ideas and her everyday experiences. Her stripper tarot series is my favorite of her writing, because I’m all about people crafting their own divination sets, but you’ll just have to check it out for yourself.


Just a Perfect Day - Bobby

Everyday is a just a perfect day at Bobby’s blog where she posts images she likes and images she makes. Her photos are enchanting and her taste in art is something I can relate to, though I don’t quite have the words to articulate what it is.

I like her photos where the sunlight illuminates her golden hair as it flows in wisps around her head. Her underwater shots are haunting, cold and distant, yet undeniably erotic.

Bobby tells stories through art. She posts photos of her travel to other countries, juxtaposing them to photos of her precious self in a purposeful matter, but what else can you expect of someone with a fine arts degree?


HoboStripper - Tara

HoboStripper’s blog is fucking epic.

The story of a woman traveling all over the country in a van working as a stripper.

Need I say more?

Tara is from Alaska which makes her a very capable, sexy mountain mama. She writes about everything from herbalism, to stripping to van dwelling and more. She also has a degree in psychology!

She writes freely about her childhood and from one who loves to hear about people’s formative years, her upbringing is very interesting indeed.

If you need information about van-dwelling, if you’re new to stripping, would like some herbal info or just appreciate a good story go to


- Breanna


As stated on her flickr profile, “College dropout turned pornographer”.

Her latest shoot on IFM is captivating to say the least. Breanna has a way of analyzing and processing things quite impressively. She posts regularly on the IFM forum and I’m jealous of the way she can articulate herself about her views on sexuality so well.

I’d like to read/see more of her on her blog. That being said, I’ll direct you to this interesting post over here on the explicit.

And also her old blog, Pornocation 2007!, which tells about her first visit to Australia and her experiences shooting for Feck. A good read indeed.



I am new to Carrot’s blog, but I am glad I’ve found it. She writes about her adventures train hopping, hitchhiking all over the country and gripes about working for the man, which I can totally relate to. FUCK WORK, right? I’ve almost read all the way through her blog, which isn’t really a blog at all but more like a novel that is being written in the present and we are all so lucky to be given little pieces of it now to savor. She is an awesome writer and brazenly courageous.

Carrot sells her very own handmade comfrey salve on her blog, which I would bet would be an uber cool buy and comes with a groovy illustration of a freight train. Can’t buy that at Whole Foods, now, can ya?

I love Carrot’s stories, they’re something I can get my head into and imagine myself there along with her riding freight trains and hopping into strangers cars. The language she uses is genuine, down to earth, good old fashion American storytelling at its finest, or maybe what it used to be. She wrote a brilliant piece recently about masculine privilege that everyone in the whole world should read.


Anyways, I hope none of these lovely ladies mind me using their photos or which ones I chose or mind what I blabbered on about them. I just wanted to say thanks for blogging, writing and photographing for people like me who read your words and look at your images and savor each and every one of them.
