Archive for pussy

My Little Weekend Project (a few weekends ago…)

Posted in Adventures with tags porn, pussy, bush, hairy, Sequoia Redd, Masturbation Impossible, squirting, female ejaculation, voyeur, Abbywinters Sahara, custom DVD, custom porn DVD, panties, dirty panty fetish, dirty panties for sale on January 5, by sequoiaredd


A couple weeks ago I received a very interesting custom DVD request from someone who found my site from my Clips4Sale store (which has only one clip right now, haha).

This certain individual has a dirty panty fetish, which I love to cater to because I have to admit I have somewhat of a fascination with my own smell…

Anyways, he sent me three pairs of white thongs which he wanted me to consecrate with my Goddess juices and cum, seal up with a handi-vac sealer to retain the freshness and express mail them to him along with a DVD of a few very detailed solo scenes he wanted me to perform.

He even sent me the toys he wanted me to perform with in the scenes, which has added to my toy collection immensely.

For his second DVD we did an old fashioned trade. He purchased my new webcam for me and I traded him two 15 minute scenes which includes one pair of dirty panties…this time a black thong.

I like doing custom orders like this because its a great way to learn about new kinks and fetishes right from the source and being able to experience them yourself, rather than just reading an article about it.

So, if anyone would like a custom DVD of something that is sexy unique or just a little kinky, feel free to shoot an email over to sequoia [at] with a very detailed description on what you’d like to see. Depending on content I usually charge $100 plus shipping per 10-15 minute scene. Once I receive payment I usually have the DVD done within a few days.

Pretty Pictures

Posted in Adventures, MyShoots with tags bush, Edwin Cardona, hairy, pussy, Sequoia Redd on October 15, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Hey I know things have been kind of grumpy around here lately and I promise I’ll be writing about something cheerful soon. In the meantime here are some photos taken by Edwin Cardona in Treetops Park a couple weeks ago.

yay, pussy makes it all better.

Just Cuz

Posted in MyShoots with tags ass, boobs, breasts, Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, naked hippie, naked women outdoors, naturist, nude outdoors, nudist, park, pussy, Sequoia Redd, Sequoia Redd at the park, shaven on September 21, 2008 by sequoiaredd

In honor of the park (read previous post), these photos were taken over a year ago and they’re actually they’re the pictures I submitted to to see if I could model for them. Enjoy…

(I was shaved because I was a dancer at the time)


my favorite pic ^

At Hugh Taylor Birch State Park


Classic pose, I love that tree ^
Me at the Park

piece of hair stuck to my forehead, grrrr


my butt

Candle_Magick continued…

Posted in My Photography with tags Abbywinters Sahara, boobs, bush, candle magick, pussy, Sahara, Sequoia Redd, Sequoia Redd blog, tea lights on August 11, 2008 by sequoiaredd

my pussy is going to eat the flame

Hello again, more candle_magick as promised.

Yesterday I did my last free shoot. No more. The photographer kept trying to feel me up in an effort to “direct” me. Lame. I’m sick of the bullshit sometimes that goes along with this. Guys have this mentality that just because you had sex on camera means that you’ll have sex with anyone at any time and that a free feel up is ok because you did porn anyways.


There was this one time when I was a dancer and I was having a bad day at work (imagine that?). Every asshole and his cousin could not figure out what the word NO meant. Yes, I know its expected, once you have a cock for some reason in this society, automatically makes you a dickhead. Anyways, I’m giving this one guy a lap dance and he keeps reaching for my crotch. I politely move his hand away, he does it again, I backhanded the motherfucker and I was wearing a huge ring at the time which hit him in the eye. Haha. Beware, I may look cute and peaceful, but I do resort to physical violence when pushed. I ended the lapdance and made him pay for both songs. In your face, biatch!

Candle Magick…

Posted in My Photography, MyShoots with tags Abbywinters Sahara, boobs, candle magick, candles, labia, large labia, pussy, Sahara, Sequoia Redd on August 9, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Hi there,

Not much going on in the world of me lately. I’ve been hitting the gym alot, nude beach on the weekends, reading some Castendada and working on my prosperity magick. Also in the works: I am attempting collaboration with a local photographer to finally start my own site. Although I am not where I want to be in life right now in a lot of ways, physically, mentally and locally; sometimes you just have to buckle down and start projects when it isn’t the perfect time. So keep a look out for that.

Also, here are the results of my first attempt at the candle light ISM style shoot I was asking you guys about. ISM did write back and they want me to focus on the underwater stuff the most, so once I’ve completed that and submitted it, I will share the love.

they did turn out a bit blurry, but I love the warmth in the pictures and the shadows were fun to play with as well. so i’ve learned two things for next time: more candles, tea lights suck and so does trying to get wax out of carpet…

my furry muff

I think this one ^ was my fave…

Is that a cum fuck me look?

shadow play

another favorite, I love this view of my pussy

What do you guys think? There are more to cum…

I’m Cumming in the Closet

Posted in AbbyWintersShoots, IntimateMoments with tags Abby Winters, boobs, coming out of the closet, cumming, cumming in the closte, hot chicks, Intimate Moments, Masturbation, pig tails, pussy, Sahara, school girls, Sequoia Redd on July 5, 2008 by sequoiaredd

on as “Sahara”

pig tails and all…woohoo

E-c-o-r-o-t-i-c-a: #1 Offshore Drilling is NOT the Answer

Posted in Ecorotica, June 2008 with tags porn, tits, breasts, pussy, Sequoia Redd, offshore drilling, high gas prices, fuck bush, wall street journal, boobies, sexy beach pictures, nude beach pictures on June 26, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Its pretty simple: if we let the government drill off the coast of Florida, there will be no more sexy beach day pics because there will be no sexy beach to be able to take them at.

Offshore drilling is not the answer to America’s high gas prices. The reason the gas prices are high is simple: price gouging and greedy big oil. Even the King of Saudi Arabia is cited stating one of the many factors causing the high prices is the falling of the American dollar as well as “speculators who play the market out of selfish interests”.

Offshore drilling is not a quick solution,

“if the bans were lifted tomorrow, it would be at least seven years — and likely as long as a decade — before the first oil began to flow off the coasts of Florida, California and the eastern seaboard.” -Wall Street Journal

A recent radio broadcast revealed that 64% of Americans were supportive of offshore drilling.

This is utterly frustrating that Americans are falling for the same old government propaganda, and would actually buy this bullshit that offshore drilling is the answer to gas prices.

What we really need is to cut our dependency on oil altogether, we’ve known, as a country that oil dependency is a problem for THIRTY YEARS! This is not a new issue.

Don’t be supportive of ruining the only cool thing Florida has to offer: its beaches. Has anybody thought what would happen to these oil rigs if a hurricane strikes?

Buy a bicycle. Look into converting to biodiesel (vegetable oil), get solar panels (they make them for Ipods & cellphones now).

But most of all get off your ass and do something positive.

New Solo Image Set as “Sahara” on

Posted in AbbyWintersShoots with tags AbbyWinters, dildo, pussy, Sahara, Sequoia Redd, Sequoia Redd porn, Solo shoots on June 22, 2008 by sequoiaredd

I was pretty dorky in this one…

But here are some of my favorites…

I still have that dildo!

Thanks, Abby!


Posted in June 2008, Masturbation Imossible, MyShoots with tags female ejaculation, Masturbation Impossible, masturbation in a library, porn, pussy, Sequoia Redd, squirting on June 17, 2008 by sequoiaredd

If you’d like my Operation: Splash Page episode, where I sneak around a public library and ejaculate all over the floor, at a discount rate, I can send you the link to download it if you donate 6$ to my ChipIn fund at:


Posted in June 2008, Masturbation Imossible, MyShoots, Operation: Splash Page with tags female ejaculation, Masturbation Impossible, porn, Public Masturbation, pussy, Sequoia Redd, squirting, voyeur on June 17, 2008 by sequoiaredd

A new episode has premiered.

Operation: Splash Page

I designed/coded the site myself, so let that stand as an explanation for the kinks I still need to work out.

Check it out!!!