Warm & Fuzzy


5 Responses to “Warm & Fuzzy”

  1. you are doing it wrong Says:

    you need to take a lesson on compressing images. this is horrible. 3.5 megs a piece for these tiny images? these should be like 10K a pop.

  2. sequoiaredd Says:

    Well, I would love a lesson since you seem to be such an expert.

  3. well, it looks like you are using raw images here, that is why it takes so damn long for them to load. it is also why these tiny images are averaging 3.5 megs a piece. if you know anybody that is photoshop-savvy, have them show you how to compress a raw image into a jpg, or “save for web”. that will make the images much smaller in file size, and be the same viewing quality on screen.

    good luck.

  4. Or you could /hire/ me to do it for free (I have web experience but could use a longer resume) =)

    With the way you are doing it, if I choose save as, I get to keep a gigantic picture (not sure if that was you’re intention).

    That is of course if you weren’t being snarky with the expert.

    Hehe, in any case you might wanna look at getting a tri or monopod for the low light shots that way they aren’t so shaky. Otherwise beautiful as usual!

  5. These aren’t loading at all, as of October 08. Not a complaint,(altho I would like to see them) just an observation.

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