Pounce, High Priestess, Pounce
absorbing male energy
The cards I laid down to describe her personality were the Princess of Swords and the Princess of Wands. She asked if she could pick a card to show how she and I were to be working together and drew the lovers card. The huntress was about to pounce. She told me that she thought it was a mortal sin to deny one’s true nature. I agreed. She started to unbutton my shirt and told me that she thought that the sexual energy that we were feeling should be used to help her manifest the future she wanted to create for herself. Being the helpful soul that I am, I agreed again. She opened my shirt and kissed my chest than pushed me down on my bed. She straddled me and started to grind while I still had my pants on…read more after the jump…
August 14, 2008 at 5:01 pm
Ooh looks like you were both having a good time there
and whoever was taking the pics too. You look really beautiful in the cock sucking pic. it’s something nearly all of us love doing so why not appreciate an image like this one. There aren’t the words in the English language to say you look even more beautiful because your sucking a cock without it sounding absurdly negative or almost insulting, we need some new words, we could make some up or probly find them in French. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
August 28, 2008 at 2:07 am
i love these pictures sequoia..
September 20, 2008 at 9:47 pm
In the caption you say that you are ‘absorbing male energy’, perhaps he was absorbing female energy …?