16 things about me

16 things about me, originally uploaded by Sequoia Redd.

I got tagged by SolesGirlRachel from Flickr to do this 16 things about me gig. So, even though I know most of you are here to just look at the amazing macro shots of my labia, here is a little trivia for the literate ones…

1. I live in a Naturist Camp.

2. I love to grow things, which sometimes may involve a bit of gardening.

3. I started off in the sex industry in mainstream gonzo porn, my haven’t I evolved ;-) …not

4. I *love* the smell of my own pussy and have been known to compulsively smell it through out the day.

5. My hands spend a lot of time down my pants.

6. I love eating pussy and sucking cock, my what a dilemma (or orgy depending on who you ask)!

7. I am not and will never be monogamous.

8. My first day stripping was actually the first time I consistently wore high heels, I’m barefoot most of the time.

9. I used to think that being feminine meant you were weak, now when I put on makeup for a cam show, photoshoot or to dance I pretend I’m applying my war paint.

10. The only people that really truly know me are my blog readers. I have yet to find a group of people in real life that share similar interests that live near me, most of them live on the other side of the world.

11. My interest in photography grew after working for pornographic site called IShotMyself.com

12. I have a serious interest in the occult.

13. I love vintage photography and cameras, I collect old polaroids.

14. I used to write award winning poetry.

15. I have a lace fetish

16. I have a hard time writing about myself and journaling…

the end. :-D

Uploaded by Sequoia Redd on 17 Jan 09, 10.35PM EST.

One Response to “16 things about me”

  1. About being weak if your female. Humans are successful because we’re intelligent, intelligence and creativity is hugely more powerful than muscle, even without JCBs, computers, solar power and all the heritage of technology, intelligent and creative hunters and gatherers have prevailed. In general I feel being female is about not letting your ego become selfish and become destructive but making a constructive contribution which is less dramatic but much much mote powerful.

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