Broadcasting Live from …

Watch me broadcasting live at from my new place…

5 Responses to “Broadcasting Live from …”

  1. HPLovecraft Says:

    I hope I did not upset or freak you out. Just lovely to interact.

  2. NOT AT ALL, the connection here is a little weak.

    I like having people talk to me, especially if they know me from my blog or other places because the normal flirt4free crowd kinda sucks.

  3. HPLovecraft Says:

    OH JOY!!!!!!

  4. Didn’t you say you lived in a nudist camp?

    What’s with the undies? ;-)

  5. The Doctor Says:

    Your new room looks a step-up from your previous ’space’ thats for sure. Not managed to catch your broadcast yet but will keep popping in to F4F to see if you are on. I wouldn’t expect a free spirit like you to hold yourself to anything as mainstream and vanilla as a schedule ;)

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