Just a warning

I’m moving shit around here a lot, basically what I’m trying to do is move this blog over to sequoiaredd.com/blog and have it be apart of another website and have sequoiaredd.net forward over to sequoiaredd.com which is going to start off as a general about me website and hopefully evolve into into a membership based site at a reasonable price (10$-15$/month) where I can put up the photos and videos that are results of collaborations I’ve been doing with local photographers and of course, my self portraits. I’m also trying to write more and create more art and jewelry and other things.

My mind has been like a swell in the sea lately with tons of ideas about art and sexuality and their meeting place. Now I’m trying to manage my ideas, put them into action, get back into shape and not go completely crazy.

Anyways, if you see anything out of place or maybe something I’ve forgotten, do email me. I’m not a web-designer or a professional blogger at all and I’ve been fumbling my way through adobe dreamweaver and photoshop enough to create MasturbationImpossible.com and a few other things. So if this is your area of expertise, feel free to shower me with your advice.

5 Responses to “Just a warning”

  1. Please, please I want to be your first member!



  2. Ok,if i see something out of order,i will tell you,but in my opinion you doing good so far.If you not paying for all sites,just for one the easiest way are to link this sites to main one,otherwise you probably need put all your stuff onto different directories of main site.I dont know what do you preffer…..
    By the way Im very happy to know what that kind of woman (like you) exist!

  3. I figure you probably already have scores of volunteers, but if you do end up needing some technical help, drop me an e-mail. I do web development work (as well as just about everything else relating to computers) for a living, and I’m extremely familiar with PHP and MySQL (the tools upon which the WordPress blog software is built). I haven’t worked too extensively with WordPress itself, but I have installed in and used it. I can do most of this stuff in my sleep at this point.

  4. It will work out real well. We just need someplace where we can work and be around people who think like we do.
    It would be really cool if we lived in a kind of Sex Magik Commune where we could film the activities that happen during naked gardening, communal bathing, cooking and whatever else.
    Maybe there are people out there that have a house and land that would want to be a part of that.
    If people saw how passionate you are about your work and understood the market they would jump at the chance to help set up a way of life that consists of eating good food, living in a beautiful place, being with like minded people and being sexually artistic. What could be better than that?

  5. I give you a lot of credit for pushing through in a tough time. You are a survivor with a extra-ordinary zest for life. You are such a unique individual and I know something good is coming your way.

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