Miss Nude Pageants

Once upon a time, long ago(forgive the intro, I’ve been in the mood for fairy tales lately..well dirty ones anyways…) in the era of flower children, better drugs and real music this little nudist compound hosted a series of events called the

Miss Nude Pageants.

And I have retro photos to prove it…


3 Responses to “Miss Nude Pageants”

  1. I think the idea behind a contest such as this is awesome. I think too often we see nudity as bad, but truthfully what is so bad about it?? A woman’s body, that includes mine, is a beautiful and she shouldn’t be afraid of showing it off. One reason I admire you Sequoia. I am sorry this is my first comment in a while. Btw the the lady on the picture is quite lovely. I would love see more if you are up for it. Hope things are well with you. Ciao for now and a few kisses.

  2. I want to see a nude male beauty contest. I am so visually stimulated by both male and female nude bodies, in more ways than just sexually. I would love to see some naked guys too! :)

  3. they did have a mr. nude contest but there weren’t as many photos (not surprisingly). i would love to photograph some naked guys though, surfer dudes especially! they have some hot male lifeguards in fort lauderdale…perhaps I should pay them a visit…hehe

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