flower kisses are the best

flower kiss 1

I have beans!

They’re not ready yet, but they’re coming!


I’ve also been eating lots of yummy lettuce and arugula.

My  heirloom tomato plants have flowers!

Everything is all abloom and there are lots of little birdies and butterflies that come by to visit!

One day I will get my hands on a telephoto lens to be able to photograph them for you.


But until then I will keep documenting the little creature under my skirt amongst the flora and the fauna…


Begonias, not scarlet, but pretty pink friendly ones.


A type of salvia, very interesting shape.


My garden is getting more beautiful by the day.

We built a little pond towards the SW corner of it in which I would like to put little gold fishies in. We molded the pond out of concrete and I pushed little glass stones and artifacts I’ve had with me for a while as a border.

pond border

One of the things that I used as a border was one of my first naked lady necklaces that I painted. She broke a while ago and it felt kind of good to do something useful with her. I had thought of throwing her in the ocean many times, but held on to her just because.

6 Responses to “flower kisses are the best”

  1. All this natural fresh beauty make me feel like frolicking.
    Looks like you have some great new beginnings.
    All my best to you, Pretty Sequoia

  2. That first picture is beautiful!

  3. oh my, I want to see a bigger photo of the pond~!!! What a lovely idea with the tiles and glass.

    I can’t wait for it to be warm here so I can garden!

    Beautiful photos~~

  4. is this winter in Florida?

    Your garden is awesome! Looks like it’s full of flower devi’s and such. This might sound weird, but menstrual blood mixed with water makes the best plant food. The pictures are so cute and maidenesque!

  5. robin you should see my gardening video where I mention the menstrual blood bit: http://sequoiaredd.net/2008/11/10/my-first-v-log-sequoias-garden-pt-1/

  6. of course you already knew that! How silly of me. You actually know WAY more about gardening than I do! It’s amazing how your garden looks now compared to when you started. You live in a little Eden. Btw, love the soundtrack on your video log!

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