Oh No You Didn’t

I received this comment on my blog today:

Just a heads up for you on the Tequesta Drum Circle. Guess word got out about your planned appearence. They probably won’t let you in if they recognize you. While you are certainly a beautiful woman and seeing you experience any number of things would certainly be plesurable. As I am part of the event and know the Park is already requiring additional support (read $$$) that may make future circles unfeasible. Also we may have met in passing at past drum circles or the study group which sponcers them, while I support your efforts to promote yourself I hope you will agree that the Drum Circle is not the approipiate venue for doing so

On this issue I’ll have to side with the Park as the event has grown in popularity, is open to the public and particuarly that there are children present. Hopefully you will reconcider filming and opt to simply enjoy sharing in the energy of the circle as any resulting publicity from you filming would only serve to hurt future events or possibly end it entirely.


I never said anywhere that I was going to be filming anything.

I can’t believe I just received this message. I’ve been going to the Tequesta Drum Circles since the very first one that was held on a Winter Solstice, I believe. I started going to CUUPS Moonpath Chapter, which is the study group that sponsors this event, since I was fifteen years old. I met my boyfriend of four years at CUUPS. I’m not a fucking newbie to this scene.

I’m not going there to promote myself, I’m going there to dance my ass off, enjoy the awesome drumming and watch the bonfire. When I lived in Fort Lauderdale last year I used to hang out at Hugh Taylor for hours.

Kids? What the hell do you think I’m going there to do? Molest them?

You can’t violate my right to assembly. This is America, motherfucker.

Now I’m way going.

10 Responses to “Oh No You Didn’t”

  1. If the person who informed the Park of your intent to film as part of your “Masterbation Impossible” series was misimformed then perhaps you realize some of the difficulities imvolved in continueing to make the event happen.

    Please review my post as I believe it was clear in that you are welcome to attend and enjoy yourself, just not to film. Filming and picture taking is discouraged to all those in attendance.

    You are correct that this is America. It is also a privately sponcered event to which admitance may be refused at the discretion of the sponcer. So if I was unclear in my previous post I’ll restate for clarity now. You are welcome to attend, but not to film yourself or others.


  2. Izrafel,

    Whomever “informed” you that I would film any kind of MI Project is just looking to stir up some shit. What would be the point of filming MI at a drum circle? That would be completely boring! Look at the site, its about unexpected places, conservative places, places that are mostly municipal buildings. Drum circles are open places, chicks dancing half dressed around a fire while a bunch of people pound on drums. Where would I be breaking the social norm? Think about it.

    On another note, what the hell would be the point in filming MI after I announce the location? So that fifty guys can show up, watch and interrupt the process? How fucking ridiculous?

    I’m friends with alot of the people that sponsor the event. I know its private and they know me.

    I never said I was filming anything, please get a grip people.

  3. This is bullshit, Sequoia. Part of me wants to tell you to refuse to grace anyone there with your lovely presence. I am pissed off about this. This is discrimination plain and simple. You are welcome to attend, but “they probably won’t let you in if they recognize you.” Huh? These people owe you a big apology.

  4. [...] Sequoia Redd Not Your Average Porn Star « Oh No You Didn’t [...]

  5. I like the way he changes his mind about what he said..that guy is a jerk..

  6. While you may not have said directly anything about filming there was on your myspace webpage that promotes your MI project a banner posted stating you would be “appearing” which has since been changed or deleted which I suspect is the cause of why the Park was notified and why the Park put us on notice. Enjoy the event, just leave your camera at home.

  7. Have you seen my myspace page? It doesn’t have anything on there that promotes MI.

    Get your facts straight, dude.

    The park was notified because someone wants to stir up some shit.

    I’m well aware of the rules of the circle as I have been going there for a couple years now!

    Your reading comprehension sucks.

  8. Izrafel, she told you ten times already that she won’t be filming, yet you keep saying passive-aggressive shit like, “keep your camera at home.” Go away. You’re ruining my enjoyment of Sequoias blog with your jerkness.

    She will enjoy the event because she has been doing so for years and your telling her to enjoy it while simultaneously condemning her is strange psychology indeed.

    Sequoia- beware of this guy, he seems dangerous to me.

  9. Shaman Hawk Says:

    Funny, didn’t we see a lot of people with cameras at the circle that night? And they wanted you to leave yours at home?

    Drum circle Nazis.

  10. Toddandincharge Says:

    Boy, that guy is an asshole.

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