Archive for the IntimateMoments Category

I’m Cumming in the Closet

Posted in AbbyWintersShoots, IntimateMoments with tags Abby Winters, boobs, coming out of the closet, cumming, cumming in the closte, hot chicks, Intimate Moments, Masturbation, pig tails, pussy, Sahara, school girls, Sequoia Redd on July 5, 2008 by sequoiaredd

on as “Sahara”

pig tails and all…woohoo

New Intimate Moment on

Posted in AbbyWintersShoots, IntimateMoments with tags Sahara, AbbyWinters, Solo, Intimate Moments, Masturbation, Tan lines, Drums, Orgasms, Clit-Rubbing on May 25, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Hey Guys,

One of my many intimate moment shoots as “Sahara” has finally premiered on Abby Winters, check it out:

This was actually one of my first shoots for them. Don’t I look happy? lol

Peace, Love & Pussy,

Sequoia Redd/Sahara