Archive for the June 2008 Category

E-c-o-r-o-t-i-c-a: #1 Offshore Drilling is NOT the Answer

Posted in Ecorotica, June 2008 with tags porn, tits, breasts, pussy, Sequoia Redd, offshore drilling, high gas prices, fuck bush, wall street journal, boobies, sexy beach pictures, nude beach pictures on June 26, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Its pretty simple: if we let the government drill off the coast of Florida, there will be no more sexy beach day pics because there will be no sexy beach to be able to take them at.

Offshore drilling is not the answer to America’s high gas prices. The reason the gas prices are high is simple: price gouging and greedy big oil. Even the King of Saudi Arabia is cited stating one of the many factors causing the high prices is the falling of the American dollar as well as “speculators who play the market out of selfish interests”.

Offshore drilling is not a quick solution,

“if the bans were lifted tomorrow, it would be at least seven years — and likely as long as a decade — before the first oil began to flow off the coasts of Florida, California and the eastern seaboard.” -Wall Street Journal

A recent radio broadcast revealed that 64% of Americans were supportive of offshore drilling.

This is utterly frustrating that Americans are falling for the same old government propaganda, and would actually buy this bullshit that offshore drilling is the answer to gas prices.

What we really need is to cut our dependency on oil altogether, we’ve known, as a country that oil dependency is a problem for THIRTY YEARS! This is not a new issue.

Don’t be supportive of ruining the only cool thing Florida has to offer: its beaches. Has anybody thought what would happen to these oil rigs if a hurricane strikes?

Buy a bicycle. Look into converting to biodiesel (vegetable oil), get solar panels (they make them for Ipods & cellphones now).

But most of all get off your ass and do something positive.

Nude in Nature

Posted in June 2008, MyShoots with tags boobs, naked women in nature, nature, nudity in nature, photos, Sequoia Redd on June 18, 2008 by sequoiaredd



Photos taken by Rick M


Posted in June 2008, Masturbation Imossible, MyShoots with tags female ejaculation, Masturbation Impossible, masturbation in a library, porn, pussy, Sequoia Redd, squirting on June 17, 2008 by sequoiaredd

If you’d like my Operation: Splash Page episode, where I sneak around a public library and ejaculate all over the floor, at a discount rate, I can send you the link to download it if you donate 6$ to my ChipIn fund at:


Posted in June 2008, Masturbation Imossible, MyShoots, Operation: Splash Page with tags female ejaculation, Masturbation Impossible, porn, Public Masturbation, pussy, Sequoia Redd, squirting, voyeur on June 17, 2008 by sequoiaredd

A new episode has premiered.

Operation: Splash Page

I designed/coded the site myself, so let that stand as an explanation for the kinks I still need to work out.

Check it out!!!

Our gov’t is fucking us up the ass dry with gas prices

Posted in Big Oil, Green Issues, June 2008, Politics with tags anal sex, ass rape, Big Oil, California, dry anal sex, gas prices, Mexico, prison bitch, Sequoia Redd, sodomy on June 16, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Bend over and take it like a true patriot…seriously WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE WAKE UP!!

SAN DIEGO - If there’s pain at the pump in the U.S., Mexico may just have a remedy. A gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in San Diego retails for an average price of $4.61 a gallon. A few miles south, in Tijuana, it’s about $2.54 — even less if you pay in pesos…Read more.

Cumming Soon…

Posted in June 2008, Masturbation Imossible, MyShoots with tags female ejaculation, Masturbation Impossible, porn, Public Masturbation, Sequoia Redd on June 11, 2008 by sequoiaredd

New Episode of Masturbation Impossible…stay tuned…

Peace, Love & Pussy,

Sequoia Redd

Warm & Fuzzy

Posted in June 2008, My Photography with tags boobs, breasts, nudity, pussy, self portraits, Sequoia Redd on June 11, 2008 by sequoiaredd


Naked Protests Are the SHIT!!

Posted in June 2008 on June 8, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Trinidad, California

Nude Bicyclists in SpainNaked cyclist demonstration in Spain - Manifestación ciclonudista en España

Naked Protest Over Fur Industry

Naked protest over fur industry

New Orleans, Louisiana

Miniskirt March

Miniskirt March in South Africa, not naked but equally as cool. The women were marching in Johannesburg to defend their rights to wear mini skirts without harassment.

Protesting Church of Scientology

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Tags: nudity, naked protests

I can’t believe I actually have to specify this.

Posted in June 2008, Uncategorized with tags bio-diesel, Biodiesel, ethanol, flowers, pussy, Sequoia Redd, VW microbus on June 4, 2008 by sequoiaredd

On my birthday post when I said I wanted a VW micro bus thats been converted to bio-diesel I did not mean ETHANOL, of course I meant vegetable oil. Christ.

Ethanol is our government’s answer to Bio-Fuel/Big Oil/Global Warming issue as invading Iraq was an answer to September 11th.

Just in case you didn’t know what one looked like…

Peace, Love & Pussy,

Sequoia Redd

Just putting it out there…

Posted in Fantasies, June 2008 with tags Angelina Jolie, porn, Sequoia Redd, sex tapes on June 4, 2008 by sequoiaredd

Dear Angelina Jolie,

I have a really great idea, and if you could spare a few moments of your time, I think you might like it.

I have been a fan of yours since I was thirteen and the shower scene in the first Tomb Raider movie. I loved your role in Girl Interrupted. And I wet myself every time I watch you in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I think we have alot in common, we both like women…and uh…we have a lot of the same attitudes towards things…fuck is my favorite curse word too!

Anyways…what I’m proposing is this:

We should make an erotic/pornographic feature film together, we could play two assassins that become lesbian lovers…or two patients in a mental health facility (I favor the former idea).

Or we could do a reality based sex tape that “accidentally” gets into the wrong hands and is auctioned for millions!

The film would have to be a hit, and as your first erotic film, would be worth alot of money. All of the profits we could donate to the kids in Darfur, or some other African charity or something.

Just give it some thought, I know you’re busy…and I’m very much looking forward to your reply.

Love Your Sexiest Fan,

Sequoia Redd