Archive for September 20, 2008

Oh No You Didn’t

Posted in Uncategorized on September 20, 2008 by sequoiaredd

I received this comment on my blog today:

Just a heads up for you on the Tequesta Drum Circle. Guess word got out about your planned appearence. They probably won’t let you in if they recognize you. While you are certainly a beautiful woman and seeing you experience any number of things would certainly be plesurable. As I am part of the event and know the Park is already requiring additional support (read $$$) that may make future circles unfeasible. Also we may have met in passing at past drum circles or the study group which sponcers them, while I support your efforts to promote yourself I hope you will agree that the Drum Circle is not the approipiate venue for doing so

On this issue I’ll have to side with the Park as the event has grown in popularity, is open to the public and particuarly that there are children present. Hopefully you will reconcider filming and opt to simply enjoy sharing in the energy of the circle as any resulting publicity from you filming would only serve to hurt future events or possibly end it entirely.


I never said anywhere that I was going to be filming anything.

I can’t believe I just received this message. I’ve been going to the Tequesta Drum Circles since the very first one that was held on a Winter Solstice, I believe. I started going to CUUPS Moonpath Chapter, which is the study group that sponsors this event, since I was fifteen years old. I met my boyfriend of four years at CUUPS. I’m not a fucking newbie to this scene.

I’m not going there to promote myself, I’m going there to dance my ass off, enjoy the awesome drumming and watch the bonfire. When I lived in Fort Lauderdale last year I used to hang out at Hugh Taylor for hours.

Kids? What the hell do you think I’m going there to do? Molest them?

You can’t violate my right to assembly. This is America, motherfucker.

Now I’m way going.